
Posts Tagged ‘trust’

It never ceases to amaze me where simple but effective lessons in leadership are found. The golf course is one of those places. Golf is a game of man against hiimself. How can leadership be present without someone to lead?

I contend the qualities the game of golf emphasizes are leadership qualities that can be applied in any setting. Here are my top golf qualities:

1. Honesty
2. Integrity
3. Humility
4. Generosity

Do you have any to add?

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I find it curious that we celebrate our love for and appreciation of Mothers once a year on Mothers Day. After all, shouldn’t we show all mothers respect and appreciation daily? Come to think of it, shouldn’t we show all people respect and appreciation daily?

I think that’s the mantra we should all live by – treat everyone with respoct and appreciation daily.

What are your thoughts?

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I must admit I am a workaholic – though I’ve gotten better over the years. Even before blackberries, iPhones and eMail I found a way to stay connected to my work during all hours but sleep, seven days a week.

Over the years I have been able to step away from work for a few hours at a time at least (mostly to spend time with my children).

Recently, I have learned from several successful leaders I know that everyone needs time away from work. Taking time away from work isn’t a weakness, but a strength. If you’re a workaholic like me, you are laughing in disbelief and asking how that’s possible – it doesn’t even make sense.

Here are a few examples of why taking time away from work is a sign of a strong leader:

1. It recharges the batteries – gives you renewed energy
2. It provides a different perspective to the leader
3. Sets a good example for your employee partners
4. Helps your family know it is important
5. Helps the leader balance his personal and work life

Do you take time away from work? Does it make you better at work?

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I believe that most successful trade associations have Boards of Directors that are not only functional but whose directors have developed trusting relationships amongst each other.

I have had the pleasure of seeing dozens of Boards of Directors interact with each other. Here are some of my observations about how Boards develop trusting relationships:

1. The members treat each other inside and outside the boardroom with respect both professionally and personally
2. The members begin every meeting sharing one recent business success and one recent personal success
3. Consent agendas are used allowing the Board to focus its time on mission critical issues, not administrative ones
4. The members keep the organization’s mission and strategic plan at the forefront of their minds in meetings

Tell me about some of the characteristics of the successful (or even unsuccessful) Boards you have seen.

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